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“I can't share your happiness.”我望着你说身边人即是心上人,优美的晚安心语总是让我们心情愉悦,什么样的句子更加吸引你呢?我们从理论到实践为大家塑造了“简短发朋友圈英文晚安心语”的完整图景,非常感激您对我的文章的青睐!


1、Things have to be sorted in order, you first, the whole world later. good night!

2、I hand you like memory, memory with ear your voice, with the lip memory your taste, with the eyes remember your dribs and drabs, carefully remember everything you do, baby! I love you! Good night.

3、Thanks for your presence, I have been happy for several years. good night!

4、Times and broken dreams, to be buried together constantly fermenting, can not stop. 时光和破碎的梦想,被埋葬在一起不停地发酵,无法停止。


6、When my string breaks, you may have grey hair.

7、You are good everywhere, but you are not destined to grow old.

8、The sea is deep, I think you are real! good night!

9、Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness bitterness.


11、For human nature, do more understanding, less judgment, not to see high or low. good night.

12、A man who knows bear, looking at the youth in the footsteps of more walk more far, don't panic, not unhappy, but firmly seize the pulse of The Times, in every minute, all show life wonderful.

13、Those places that I will go are my hometown that I have never met before. good night!

14、In my barren land, you are the last rose. good night!

15、one day, we will never h*e to say goodbye, only good night. 总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安.


17、You are the only person I love. good night!


18、Smile can be the past thing, why do it make people all know. good night!

19、On this beautiful night, I send you my best wishes before going to bed. Good night.

20、You saw a movie, I saw you. good night!

21、Once owned, do not forget.

22、I want to have a serious love, starting from you and ending with you. good night!

23、I'll only borrow it once in your life. This journey is the rest of my life. good night!

24、Give me your hand to hold you until you die. good night!

25、Let love be a way to live、Don't be trapped in a cocoon、good night!

26、Don't close the window tonight. I want to sneak into your dream. good night!

27、You are my spring and autumn dream hidden under my pillow year after year. good night!

28、Ordinary and simple, content with ordinary, really not simple、good night.

29、I like that you are not only ambitious, but also a thief、good night!

30、That said, autumn with you, winter with you. good night!

31、I can't share your happiness.

32、Distance beats love with time.

33、Want to cry, the tear drops into the heart, because love you wronged. Sleepy, people in a trance floating dream, because we always sweet dreams!

34、I dont care about you, but I fell into your arms.


35、The reason for looking forward to the heavy snow is to walk to the white head with you. good night!

36、Behind the clouds are the bright afterglow of the sun and sparkling fairy tales. good night!


38、Live for the good, do for the happiness.

39、May the years be looked back, and with deep feelings, all the white heads.

40、Knowing its a dream, my heart still hurts.

41、Today's event is tomorrow's small matter、The biggest event of the year will be next year's story、good night!

42、Perhaps the work tired, maybe life bored; when the sun has gone far, rest at the moment is the key; may happiness always be with you, may the good dreams come true; good night!

43、Many people start a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it. 很多人一开始为了梦想而忙,后来忙的忘了梦想。晚安

44、There are many beauties in the world, but you are my favorite. good night!

45、The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of me is my sweetheart. good night!

46、Meeting you and falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in my life. good night!

47、Tell me what you like. I'm not irresponsible. good night!

48、Marriage is not easy, do not give up easily.

49、I wish you a good sleep and a good dream. good night!

50、My love for you is like a gentle wind and rain, which stretches continuously! good night!


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