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People, less commitment, more practical. Dont talk about it. Talk about it behind your bac~~喜欢这方面的文案吗?因此,栏目特意整理了晚安心语的英文励志句子汇集,希望对你的工作和生活有所帮助。


1、Love to a person, life is equal to doing most things right. good night!

2、Come home with me. Its a shame to be outside!


4、Its my destiny to meet you in this life.

5、Dont cry in front of people and dont make any decisions late at night. good night.


7、Have a good sleep tonight!

8、In the northeast, there is a kind of search called Shamu.

9、How to be a friend for people who are attracted at a glance.

10、Wish you a good dream! Good mood every day! Brave to face every day, because the sun is new every day.

11、So late, know me and dont know me, I care about you, good night.

12、What you dare not say is what you want to say most.


14、I dont like you. Are you satisfied?

15、One night deep sleep, shake off all pain; wake up, open a new beauty.

16、Tired, go to bed early, sleep early, good spirit.

17、Pass, pass, miss, is a lifetime.


18、Work can not be finished, but the body is tired, health is the capital of life. Be kind to yourself!


20、Relax, sleep well, and sail well tomorrow!

21、Your arms are still so tender.

22、Some people, strong memories, light relationship.

23、Im a good thing. I hope you have it.

24、I dont want to let you go. I havent stopped.

25、Sing a lullaby, no longer have the trouble of insomnia.

26、Love the world, love everything, no exception, no favorite. good night.

27、May you have a good dream in which the falling meteor makes your wish come true. Good night.


29、Rest assured replenishes brain and releases pressure.

30、I wish you a good nights sleep. Id like to be a night lily to accompany you.

31、With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to both feet. good night!

32、No ones lane, who stays for whom.

33、When the moon rises, I began to bless: I wish you a good dream tonight!

34、People, less commitment, more practical. Dont talk about it. Talk about it behind your back. good night.


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