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I know my tears cant match her call.想要了解更多关于“爱情英文个性签名大全”的信息请看下文中的解答。爱情是指尖的温度慢慢融化了整个心,就像一个蜜汁的吻给人无尽的情感。如美味佳肴美妙而难忘,经过阅读本文句子您会对相关主题有更深入的理解!


1、I never told you, I wanna hold you。我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你

2、在人生的旅途中,我被命运的到来所感动,一条简短的问候语,一段亲切的留言和对话。我被命运的美丽,友谊的温暖所感动!我给你一个温柔的祝福!我只祝我的好朋友们每一分钟都快乐!祝你健康,好运,幸福! 你背叛了天长地久我逃离了来日方长。

3、You and that little three, how far, how far to die.


5、Bright eyes and bright teeth smile, angels name is born for you.

6、Even so, I still hope for you.

7、i wish u would stay.我只是希望你能一直在这里

8、When you care, when I close my heart.

9、Its you who say you cant leave, and then you turn around without saying a word.

10、Read scattered, tears stop, but still unforgettable Qing Yan.

11、Is love equal? Perhaps, who loves deeply, who is painful.

12、i was bored out of my mind. 我感到无聊极了。

13、It is better to be an original version of yourself than an exact ...做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。

14、though he is poor, yet me is very happy. 虽然他很穷,但是我很幸福

15、Habitual betrayal, also naive hope, I should understand.

16、The last summer, were going to say goodbye.

17、We all used to be a piece of pure white paper.

18、Put down the you that should be put down and quit the game with no ending.




21、all is only you completely 所有全部只是你

22、If the future doesnt come, the present is not there, and the past is not going.


24、I wish to know you and have no doubt about your love.

25、Two people walked along the street and no one was allowed to stop.

26、Learn to be strong, do not touch the bottom of my heart that touch burn.


28、differentiate strictly.

29、After all, Im not a good man. How can I ask you to love me.

30、I know my tears cant match her call.


32、Who can do it, love only one person in your life?


34、you are my sunshine boy 未情窦初开 却相濡以沫

35、I hate you. I hate that you forget everything you say.

36、at that moment, cannot go back once.那一刻,无法回去的曾经

37、Dont disturb the one I love, wait for her own will.

38、Im not a gentle person, but Ive done my best for you.



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