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1、There is a kind of love that never asks for return, but always gives; There is a kind of love that is not good at expressing itself, but it can shield us from the wind and rain.

2、Every city will rain, just like I will miss you no matter where I am.

3、The fallen leaves leave a colorful beauty in the sky, but is it the trees that do not retain them or the call of the wind? Later, he was very fond of fantasy and optimistic about life. Even if he was disillusioned, he still comforted himself foolishly.

4、Recently, it rained every day. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and found that I had to go to work later. I couldn't sleep at once. I was more tired of listening to the rain.

5、In the end, you are the one who is not surprised, and I am the one who has wet eyes before speaking.


7、You just said unintentionally that you don't like rain, but I think of you every rainy day.


9、The rain falls, wetting the image in the memory, but it no longer exists when you reach out to touch it. It turns out that everything is just memory.

10、On rainy days, I was the only one holding the umbrella, and there was no figure of you on the other side.

11、Don't cry because of any difficulties. Tomorrow is still difficult anyway.

12、I looked up at the sky and stood still with it. I call it rain, and it makes me cry first.

13、I believe that accepting the fact that people are lonely is a sign of growing up.

14、Listening to the rain, I can't sleep. It seems that it hasn't rained for a long time. I hope this rain can remove all the haze and bring some good news.

15、No matter it is windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, you will always be in your eyes.


16、No matter how gentle and quiet the rain falls, it also has the power to soak people

17、The world is thin and the people are evil. The rain sends the evening flowers to fall easily.

18、It is cold and rainy in the evening.


20、Don't get close. I don't want to break the situation and hurt myself for you. Don't sympathize. Your every smile and every smile has always been my painful happiness.

21、Drips of rain fall on my heart, but I can no longer feel the sadness, the coldness.

22、The rain is still falling; I still miss you. Until the day when it no longer rains, I stop thinking and loving you.

23、It's raining. Do you feel my missing when you are not around? The rain drops into my heart with my missing.

24、Sorrow is like a thunderstorm. No one can understand the sadness and sadness of rain.

25、When the rain hits the windowsill, it hits the most sensitive nerves. I just want to say, why are you all over my head!

26、No matter how good the weather is, it can't bring me a smile. If I fall in love with a rainy day and cry for no reason, no one will care.

27、If he always holds an umbrella for others, why do you have to wait in the rain for him.

28、Once in a while, I steal from the rain window and imagine kissing your face.

29、It is suitable for one person to enjoy the talk on rainy days. Every sentence is full of loneliness, which makes people feel the same!



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